Automatic speech recognition research focuses on training and evaluating on static datasets. Yet, as speech models are increasingly deployed on personal devices, such models encounter user-specific distributional shifts. To simulate this real-world scenario, we introduce LibriContinual, a continual learning benchmark for speaker-specific domain adaptation derived from LibriVox audiobooks, with data corresponding to 118 individual speakers and 6 train splits per speaker of different sizes. Additionally, current speech recognition models and continual learning algorithms are not optimized to be compute-efficient. We adapt a general-purpose training algorithm NetAug for ASR and create a novel Conformer variant called the DisConformer (Disentangled Conformer). This algorithm produces ASR models consisting of a frozen 'core' network for general-purpose use and several tunable 'augment' networks for speaker-specific tuning. Using such models, we propose a novel compute-efficient continual learning algorithm called DisentangledCL. Our experiments show that the DisConformer models significantly outperform baselines on general ASR i.e. LibriSpeech (15.58% rel. WER on test-other). On speaker-specific LibriContinual they significantly outperform trainable-parameter-matched baselines (by 20.65% rel. WER on test) and even match fully finetuned baselines in some settings.
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For the majority of the machine learning community, the expensive nature of collecting high-quality human-annotated data and the inability to efficiently finetune very large state-of-the-art pretrained models on limited compute are major bottlenecks for building models for new tasks. We propose a zero-shot simple approach for one such task, Video Moment Retrieval (VMR), that does not perform any additional finetuning and simply repurposes off-the-shelf models trained on other tasks. Our three-step approach consists of moment proposal, moment-query matching and postprocessing, all using only off-the-shelf models. On the QVHighlights benchmark for VMR, we vastly improve performance of previous zero-shot approaches by at least 2.5x on all metrics and reduce the gap between zero-shot and state-of-the-art supervised by over 74%. Further, we also show that our zero-shot approach beats non-pretrained supervised models on the Recall metrics and comes very close on mAP metrics; and that it also performs better than the best pretrained supervised model on shorter moments. Finally, we ablate and analyze our results and propose interesting future directions.
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Recent visuolinguistic pre-trained models show promising progress on various end tasks such as image retrieval and video captioning. Yet, they fail miserably on the recently proposed Winoground dataset, which challenges models to match paired images and English captions, with items constructed to overlap lexically but differ in meaning (e.g., "there is a mug in some grass" vs. "there is some grass in a mug"). By annotating the dataset using new fine-grained tags, we show that solving the Winoground task requires not just compositional language understanding, but a host of other abilities like commonsense reasoning or locating small, out-of-focus objects in low-resolution images. In this paper, we identify the dataset's main challenges through a suite of experiments on related tasks (probing task, image retrieval task), data augmentation, and manual inspection of the dataset. Our analysis suggests that a main challenge in visuolinguistic models may lie in fusing visual and textual representations, rather than in compositional language understanding. We release our annotation and code at .
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Recently, there has been increasing interest in synthesizing data to improve downstream text-to-SQL tasks. In this paper, we first examined the existing synthesized datasets and discovered that state-of-the-art text-to-SQL algorithms did not further improve on popular benchmarks when trained with augmented synthetic data. We observed two shortcomings: illogical synthetic SQL queries from independent column sampling and arbitrary table joins. To address these issues, we propose a novel synthesis framework that incorporates key relationships from schema, imposes strong typing, and conducts schema-distance-weighted column sampling. We also adopt an intermediate representation (IR) for the SQL-to-text task to further improve the quality of the generated natural language questions. When existing powerful semantic parsers are pre-finetuned on our high-quality synthesized data, our experiments show that these models have significant accuracy boosts on popular benchmarks, including new state-of-the-art performance on Spider.
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The availability of challenging benchmarks has played a key role in the recent progress of machine learning. In cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning, the StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) has become a popular testbed for centralised training with decentralised execution. However, after years of sustained improvement on SMAC, algorithms now achieve near-perfect performance. In this work, we conduct new analysis demonstrating that SMAC is not sufficiently stochastic to require complex closed-loop policies. In particular, we show that an open-loop policy conditioned only on the timestep can achieve non-trivial win rates for many SMAC scenarios. To address this limitation, we introduce SMACv2, a new version of the benchmark where scenarios are procedurally generated and require agents to generalise to previously unseen settings (from the same distribution) during evaluation. We show that these changes ensure the benchmark requires the use of closed-loop policies. We evaluate state-of-the-art algorithms on SMACv2 and show that it presents significant challenges not present in the original benchmark. Our analysis illustrates that SMACv2 addresses the discovered deficiencies of SMAC and can help benchmark the next generation of MARL methods. Videos of training are available at
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A reliable critic is central to on-policy actor-critic learning. But it becomes challenging to learn a reliable critic in a multi-agent sparse reward scenario due to two factors: 1) The joint action space grows exponentially with the number of agents 2) This, combined with the reward sparseness and environment noise, leads to large sample requirements for accurate learning. We show that regularising the critic with spectral normalization (SN) enables it to learn more robustly, even in multi-agent on-policy sparse reward scenarios. Our experiments show that the regularised critic is quickly able to learn from the sparse rewarding experience in the complex SMAC and RWARE domains. These findings highlight the importance of regularisation in the critic for stable learning.
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在美国,欧洲和中国等发达的国家中,自动驾驶汽车正在迅速增长。 Google,Tesla,Audi,BMW和Mercedes等科技巨头正在制造高效的自动驾驶汽车。但是,对于印度,泰国,非洲等发展中国家,该技术仍然不是主流,在本文中,我们对基于发达国家和印度道路的现有数据集进行了详尽的比较。然后,我们开发了一个新的数据集“印度道路数据集”(IRD),该数据集使用64(百万像素)摄像机拍摄的3000多个图像中提取了超过8000个注释。所有注释均被手动标记遵守严格的注释规则。来自印度两个不同城市的实时视频序列是在白天和夜灯条件下的新德里和昌迪加尔。我们的数据集超过了以前的印度流量灯数据集,大小,注释和差异。我们通过与现有印度数据集进行了广泛的比较来证明数据集的改善。考虑了各种数据集标准,例如大小,捕获设备,许多城市以及流量光方向的变化。数据集可以从此处下载
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从少数样本中学习的多功能性是人类智能的标志。很少有学习能力超越机器的努力。受概率深度学习的承诺和力量的启发,我们提出了一个新颖的变异推理网络,用于几个射击分类(被构成三叉戟),将图像的表示形式分离为语义和标记潜在变量,并以相互交织的方式推断它们。为了诱导任务意识,作为三叉戟推理机制的一部分,我们使用一种新型的基于内置的基于注意的转导功能提取模块(我们致电ATTFEX)在查询和支持图像上借鉴了几次任务的图像。我们广泛的实验结果证实了三叉戟的功效,并证明,使用最简单的骨架,它在最常见的数据集Miniimagenet和Tieredimagenet中设置了新的最新时间(最多可提高4%和5%,,高达4%和5%分别是)以及最近具有挑战性的跨域迷你膜 - > CUB场景,其范围超出了最佳现有跨域基线的显着利润率(最高20%)。可以在我们的GitHub存储库中找到代码和实验:
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离线手写数学表达识别(HMER)是数学表达识别领域的主要领域。与在线HMER相比,由于缺乏时间信息和写作风格的可变性,离线HMER通常被认为是一个更困难的问题。在本文中,我们目的是使用配对对手学习的编码器模型。语义不变的特征是从手写数学表达图像及其编码器中的印刷数学表达式中提取的。学习语义不变的特征与Densenet编码器和变压器解码器相结合,帮助我们提高了先前研究的表达率。在Crohme数据集上进行了评估,我们已经能够将最新的Crohme 2019测试集结果提高4%。
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